Wendy Burroughs, PCC

Wendy Burroughs, PCC

Executive & Leadership Coach
Faculty Mentor Coach & Facilitator

The heart of my work and my mission has always been “to coach and inspire people to live their greatness.” I do this by supporting individuals, groups, and organizations to clarify what is most important and help them navigate their way to a successful future or desired outcome.

I bring a unique blend of experience, including work in the corporate world, non-profit management, professional development, coaching, spiritual leadership, and business management. This eclectic career mix has developed my strengths and expertise in:

• Individual & Organizational Coaching
• Leadership Training & Development
• Dynamic, Effective Public Speaking
• Workshop Development & Facilitation
• Program Development, Management & Implementation
• Visioning and Strategic Planning
• Business Planning & Project Management

As a business woman, coach, spiritual leader, and facilitator, I am authentic, articulate, grounded, playful, compassionate, empowering, and inspiring. I excel at bringing people together to create a vision, clarify necessary next steps, and see things through to successful implementation/completion.


BA – Business Leadership with emphasis in International Business (Dean’s List)      

The University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA


Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coach Federation                                  

Academy for Coaching Excellence, Sacramento, CA (ICF Accredited Coach Training Program)