Leadership Communication Skills Welcome to your Leadership Communication Skills Name Email How do you handle conflicts with your team? a) Address conflicts privately and assertively b) Resolve conflicts decisively and enforce team rules c) Mediate conflicts and promote understanding d) Encourage open dialogue and facilitate conflict resolution None When delegating tasks to your team, you? Provide specific instructions and expect prompt results Assign tasks with clear expectations and deadlines Delegate based on individual strengths and offer guidance Delegate collaboratively and encourage autonomy None When receiving negative feedback, your initial reaction is to? Become defensive and dismiss the feedback ake it as a personal attack and respond harshly Listen attentively and reflect on the feedback Appreciate the feedback and seek constructive solutions None During meetings, you? Prefer to lead and control the agenda Conduct meetings with authority and assertiveness Encourage active participation and listening Foster collaborative discussions and diverse perspectives None How do you ensure your team understands your instructions? Expect immediate compliance without questions Reinforce instructions with clear consequences Check for understanding and provide additional support Encourage questions and clarification for better understanding None When delivering bad news to the team, you? Prefer to keep it brief and move on quickly Deliver the news firmly and emphasize the next steps Deliver the news with empathy and offer support Communicate openly and involve the team in finding solutions None Time's up