Personality and
Behavioral Assessments

Assessments: Why are they useful?

Employee Selection: Ineffective hiring practices cost a lot of money for organizations. It is vital that your candidate has the job-related competencies to perform job-related functions successfully. Personality and behavioral assessments provide access to hire or assign jobs to the right people, having the right employees can be the greatest asset for an organization.

Assessments help to improve the quality of hiring, identifying, and promoting processes for organizations.  

Human relationships, personalities, and specific skill sets add complexities in building a fluid workforce in teams, culture, and organizations.


For individuals committed to growing, changing, and learning, assessments help to identify the quality of strengths and areas of development.

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Our assessments serve businesses and professionals. We have hundreds of Scientifically Validated assessments:

  • Career: Identify best-suited career paths (Career Change Readiness, Career Motivation, Career Personality & Aptitude, Concentration & Focus Skills, Entrepreneurial Personality Profile, etc.)

  • Health: Proactive Approach to your health (Anger Management, Anxiety, Attention Span, Burnout, Coping & Stress Management Skills, Forgetfulness, Hardiness, Social Anxiety, etc.)

  • Intelligence: Validated IQ Assessments (Analytical Reasoning, Culture Fair IQ, Emotional Intelligence, General Knowledge, Logic IQ, Multiple IQ, Learning Style, etc.)

  • Lifestyle and Attitude: Personal Attitudes and Belief System (Assertiveness test, Attention to Detail, Dominance, Procrastination, Risk-Taking, Self-Esteem, Values Profile, Willpower, etc.)

  • Personality: Leadership Qualities (Big Five Personality, DISC Personality, Extroversion-Introversion, Happiness, Motivation & Needs, Self-Control & Self-Monitoring, etc.)

  • Relationships: Improve Relationships (Body Language, Interpersonal Communication Skills, Listening Skills, Social Skills, etc.)

We also offer many more solution based, personnel selection, professional and self-development assessments.

California Psychological Inventory™ (CPI™) assessments are powerful tools for helping individuals improve their performance and enabling organizations to find and develop high-potential employees and leaders and cultivate a rich pool of talent for building organizational success. The CPI instruments help people gain a clearer picture of their personal and work-related characteristics, motivations, and thinking styles–as well as how they manage themselves and deal with others–and provide a view into their strengths and developmental opportunities. The CPI model helps individuals discover their orientations toward people and interpersonal experience, toward rules and values, and toward their inner feelings. Participants’ results in these areas indicate which of four different ways of living, or lifestyles, best describe them and provide insights about how they see themselves and how they are seen by others.

Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™ (FIRO®) The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™ (FIRO®) instruments help people understand their interpersonal needs and how those needs influence their communication style and behavior—and in the process improve their personal relationships and professional performance. These tools have helped individuals, teams, and organizations around the world grow and succeed by serving as a catalyst for positive behavioral change. The FIRO assessments are based on social need theory: all living things seek equilibrium between their basic needs and getting those needs met. They address, gather, and present critical insights around these fundamental areas:


  • How you tend to behave toward others

  • How you want others to behave toward you

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment has helped millions of people worldwide gain insights about themselves and how they interact with others–and improve how they communicate, learn, and work. It provides a powerful framework for building better relationships, driving positive change, harnessing innovation, and achieving excellence. The MBTI assessment makes Carl Jung’s theory of psychological type both understandable and highly practical by helping individuals identify their preferences in four areas.

The Strong Interest Inventory® assessment is one of the world’s most widely respected and frequently used career planning tools. It has helped both academic and business organizations develop the brightest talent and has guided thousands of individuals—from high school and college students to mid-career workers seeking a change—in their search for a rich and fulfilling career.

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®) The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®) tool is the world’s best-selling tool for helping people understand how different conflict-handling styles affect interpersonal and group dynamics—and for empowering them to choose the appropriate style for any situation. The TKI tool assesses an individual’s typical behavior in conflict situations and describes it along two dimensions: assertiveness and cooperativeness. It provides detailed information about how that individual can effectively use five different conflict-handling modes or styles.