Calculate your total score by adding the points for each answer choice. The persona with the highest score represents your dominant communication style.
Based on the selection of your answers, Your preferred persona is “The Empathetic Listener”
a. “I” Statements: Use “I” statements to communicate your needs or concerns while avoiding accusatory language. (Example: “I feel frustrated when deadlines are missed” vs. “You’re always late”).
b. Clear and Direct Language: Be clear about your expectations and desired outcomes. Don’t be afraid to say “no” or delegate tasks when necessary.
c. Non-verbal Cues: Maintain confident body language and eye contact to project strength alongside your empathy.
a. Focus on Behavior, not Personality: Instead of saying “You’re disorganized,” say “The presentation could benefit from a clearer structure.”
b. Actionable Feedback: Offer suggestions for improvement along with the feedback. (Example: “Consider using bullet points and visuals to enhance clarity”).
b. Focus on Progress, not Perfection: Acknowledge their effort and celebrate small improvements.
a. Assertiveness Training: Workshops or online resources can equip you with strategies for clear and confident communication.
b. Conflict Resolution Training: Learn techniques for navigating disagreements and finding win-win solutions in a respectful manner.
c. Mentorship or Coaching: Seek guidance from experienced leaders who can provide valuable feedback and support.
The Inaccessible Director (10-13 points)
Do you find yourself unintentionally coming across as distant or unapproachable to your team? Leading with an open and accessible style fosters a more collaborative and productive work environment.
The Authoritarian Leader (14 – 17)
This persona embodies the authoritarian leader communicator. Their communication style is direct, assertive, and brooks little room for dissent. They prioritize efficiency and control, with a strong focus on achieving results. While this approach can be effective in crisis situations or when clear direction is needed, it can also stifle creativity, innovation, and employee morale in the long run.
The Empathetic Listener (18-21 points)
The Empathetic Communicator Leader persona embodies a leadership style built on compassion, understanding, and a genuine interest in the well-being of their team members. They excel at creating a safe space for open communication, actively listening to concerns and perspectives, and fostering a collaborative environment.
The Open Communicator (22-and above points)
The Open Communicator Leader persona embodies a leadership style built on transparency, information sharing, and a commitment to fostering a collaborative work environment. These leaders prioritize open dialogue, actively solicit feedback, and keep their teams informed.